Postmodern Art
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Overview and quickfacts
Postmodern art is a style of art that is characterized by its use of techniques and styles that are associated with modern art, but which are used in a way that is different from the way they are used in traditional art.
The art style is also known as: Contemporary Art, Modern Art
Categories: Impressionism, Modernism
1. Andy Warhol (1928-1987) 2. Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) 3. Claes Oldenburg (1929- ) 4. Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) 5. Jasper Johns (1930- ) 6. James Rosenquist (1933- ) 7. George Segal (1924-2000) 8. Richard Hamilton (1922-2011) 9. Yoko Ono (1933- ) 10. John Cage (1912-1992) 11. David Hockney (1937- ) 12. R.B. Kitaj (1932-2007) 13. Lucio Fontana (1899-1968) 14. Piero Manzoni (1933-1963) 15. Yves Klein (1928-1962) 16. Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) 17. Willem de Kooning (1904-1997) 18. Mark Rothko (1903-1970) 19. Barnett Newman (1905-1970) 20. Ad Reinhardt (1913-1967) 21. Robert Smithson (1938-1973) 22. Richard Serra (1939- ) 23. Bruce Nauman (1941- ) 24. Susan Rothenberg (1945- ) 25. Nancy Graves (1940-1995) 26. Richard Long (1945- ) 27. Gilbert & George (1943- ) 28. Keith Haring (1958-1990) 29. Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) 30. Jeff Koons (1955- )
1. The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali (1931) 2. Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, Marcel Duchamp (1912) 3. Fountain, Marcel Duchamp (1917) 4. The Treachery of Images, René Magritte (1928-1929) 5. The Son of Man, René Magritte (1964) 6. The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai (1829-1833) 7. The Scream, Edvard Munch (1893) 8. Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh (1889) 9. Guernica, Pablo Picasso (1937) 10. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Pablo Picasso (1907) 11. American Gothic, Grant Wood (1930) 12. Dada, Hans Arp (1916) 13. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Robert Wiene (1920) 14. The Battleship Potemkin, Sergei Eisenstein (1925) 15. October, Sergei Eisenstein (1928) 16. The Gold Rush, Charlie Chaplin (1925) 17. City Lights, Charlie Chaplin (1931) 18. Modern Times, Charlie Chaplin (1936) 19. The Three Stooges, Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Curly Howard (1930-1955) 20. The Honeymooners, Jackie Gleason, Art Carney, Audrey Meadows, Joyce Randolph (1955-1956) 21. The Twilight Zone, Rod Serling (1959-1964) 22. The Addams Family, Charles Addams (1964-1966) 23. The Munsters, Herman Munster, Lily Munster, Grandpa Munster, Eddie Munster, Marilyn Munster (1964-1966) 24. Batman, Bob Kane (1939-1940) 25. Superman, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster (1938) 26. Wonder Woman, William Moulton Marston (1941) 27. The X-Men, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby (1963) 28. Spider-Man, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko (1962) 29. Captain America, Joe Simon, Jack Kirby (1941) 30. The Fantastic Four, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby (1961)
Detailed Description
Postmodern art is a style of art that emerged in the mid-20th century as a reaction against the formalism of modern art. Postmodern art is characterized by its use of non-traditional materials and techniques, its rejection of traditional art forms, and its embrace of pop culture and mass media. Some of the most famous postmodern artists include Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, and Robert Rauschenberg. Some of the most famous postmodern artworks include Warhol’s “Campbell’s Soup Cans” and Johns’ “Flag.” Postmodern art has been criticized for its lack of depth and its embrace of commercialism and mass culture. However, many people see postmodern art as a refreshing break from the traditional art world, and an important part of 20th-century art history.
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Artists and Paintings
Known Artists
1. Andy Warhol (1928-1987) 2. Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) 3. Claes Oldenburg (1929- ) 4. Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) 5. Jasper Johns (1930- ) 6. James Rosenquist (1933- ) 7. George Segal (1924-2000) 8. Richard Hamilton (1922-2011) 9. Yoko Ono (1933- ) 10. John Cage (1912-1992) 11. David Hockney (1937- ) 12. R.B. Kitaj (1932-2007) 13. Lucio Fontana (1899-1968) 14. Piero Manzoni (1933-1963) 15. Yves Klein (1928-1962) 16. Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) 17. Willem de Kooning (1904-1997) 18. Mark Rothko (1903-1970) 19. Barnett Newman (1905-1970) 20. Ad Reinhardt (1913-1967) 21. Robert Smithson (1938-1973) 22. Richard Serra (1939- ) 23. Bruce Nauman (1941- ) 24. Susan Rothenberg (1945- ) 25. Nancy Graves (1940-1995) 26. Richard Long (1945- ) 27. Gilbert & George (1943- ) 28. Keith Haring (1958-1990) 29. Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) 30. Jeff Koons (1955- )
Known Paintings / Pictures / Images
1. The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali (1931) 2. Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, Marcel Duchamp (1912) 3. Fountain, Marcel Duchamp (1917) 4. The Treachery of Images, René Magritte (1928-1929) 5. The Son of Man, René Magritte (1964) 6. The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai (1829-1833) 7. The Scream, Edvard Munch (1893) 8. Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh (1889) 9. Guernica, Pablo Picasso (1937) 10. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Pablo Picasso (1907) 11. American Gothic, Grant Wood (1930) 12. Dada, Hans Arp (1916) 13. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Robert Wiene (1920) 14. The Battleship Potemkin, Sergei Eisenstein (1925) 15. October, Sergei Eisenstein (1928) 16. The Gold Rush, Charlie Chaplin (1925) 17. City Lights, Charlie Chaplin (1931) 18. Modern Times, Charlie Chaplin (1936) 19. The Three Stooges, Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Curly Howard (1930-1955) 20. The Honeymooners, Jackie Gleason, Art Carney, Audrey Meadows, Joyce Randolph (1955-1956) 21. The Twilight Zone, Rod Serling (1959-1964) 22. The Addams Family, Charles Addams (1964-1966) 23. The Munsters, Herman Munster, Lily Munster, Grandpa Munster, Eddie Munster, Marilyn Munster (1964-1966) 24. Batman, Bob Kane (1939-1940) 25. Superman, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster (1938) 26. Wonder Woman, William Moulton Marston (1941) 27. The X-Men, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby (1963) 28. Spider-Man, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko (1962) 29. Captain America, Joe Simon, Jack Kirby (1941) 30. The Fantastic Four, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby (1961)
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