Greek painting
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Overview and quickfacts
Greek painting is characterized by its use of strong lines and bold colors. Greek painters often used perspective to create a sense of depth in their paintings. Greek paintings often depicted scenes from mythology or daily life.
The art style is also known as: Byzantine painting, Hellenistic painting, Ancient Greek painting
Categories: Impressionism, Modernism
1. Apelles of Kos (4th century BC) 2. Euphronios (6th century BC) 3. Polygnotos of Thasos (5th century BC) 4. Zeuxis (5th century BC) 5. Timarete of Miletus (7th century BC) 6. Aglaophon (6th century BC) 7. Sosias (5th century BC) 8. Mikon (6th century BC) 9. Polygnotos of Athens (5th century BC) 10. Pamphaios (5th century BC) 11. Euthymides (5th century BC) 12. Douris (5th century BC) 13. Theodoros (6th century BC) 14. Xenocrates (4th century BC) 15. Apollodoros (4th century BC) 16. Aetion (4th century BC) 17. Aristides (4th century BC) 18. Euphranor (4th century BC) 19. Timanthes (4th century BC) 20. Critias (5th century BC) 21. Nesiotes (4th century BC) 22. Polygnotos of Delphi (4th century BC) 23. Pythagoras of Agrigentum (4th century BC) 24. Zeuxippos (4th century BC) 25. Agatharchos (3rd century BC) 26. Aristophon (3rd century BC) 27. Bryaxis (3rd century BC) 28. Leochares (3rd century BC) 29. Lysippos (4th century BC) 30. Scopas (4th century BC)
1. The Birth of Venus, 1486, by Sandro Botticelli 2. The School of Athens, 1510-11, by Raphael 3. Sistine Chapel ceiling, 1512, by Michelangelo 4. The Last Supper, 1495-98, by Leonardo da Vinci 5. The Mona Lisa, 1503-06, by Leonardo da Vinci 6. The Starry Night, 1889, by Vincent van Gogh 7. The Scream, 1893, by Edvard Munch 8. Guernica, 1937, by Pablo Picasso 9. The Persistence of Memory, 1931, by Salvador Dali 10. Nighthawks, 1942, by Edward Hopper 11. American Gothic, 1930, by Grant Wood 12. The Hay Wagon, 1930, by Andrew Wyeth 13. Christina’s World, 1948, by Andrew Wyeth 14. Wreck of the Hesperus, 1857, by Fitz Henry Lane 15. The Fourth of July, 1859, by Fitz Henry Lane 16. The Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man, 1746, by John Singleton Copley 17. Paul Revere’s Ride, 1775-76, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 18. Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851, by Emanuel Leutze 19. The Death of Socrates, 1787, by Jacques-Louis David 20. The Oath of the Horatii, 1784, by Jacques-Louis David 21. Napoleon at the Saint-Bernard Pass, 1800, by Jacques-Louis David 22. The Coronation of Napoleon, 1804-05, by Jacques-Louis David 23. Liberty Leading the People, 1830, by Eugène Delacroix 24. The Third of May 1808, 1814, by Francisco Goya 25. The Colossus of Rhodes, c. 280 BC 26. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, c. 550 BC 27. The Parthenon, 447-438 BC 28. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, c. 435 BC 29. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, 353-350 BC 30. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, c. 280 BC
Detailed Description
Greek painting is a fascinating blend of naturalism and idealism that has been influential for centuries. Greek painters sought to depict the world as it was, but also to idealize it, creating a perfect balance between the two. One of the most famous Greek painters is Apelles, who was active in the 4th century BC. Apelles is known for his highly realistic and detailed paintings, which often featured mythological scenes. Another famous Greek painter is Polygnotus, who was active in the 5th century BC. Polygnotus is known for his large-scale paintings that often depicted historical or mythological scenes. Greek painting reached its peak in the Hellenistic period, when artists such as Zeuxis and Parrhasius created highly realistic and detailed paintings. Greek painting declined in the Roman period, but was revived in the Byzantine period, when artists such as John the Baptist and Manuel Panselinos created highly stylized and idealized paintings.
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Artists and Paintings
Known Artists
1. Apelles of Kos (4th century BC) 2. Euphronios (6th century BC) 3. Polygnotos of Thasos (5th century BC) 4. Zeuxis (5th century BC) 5. Timarete of Miletus (7th century BC) 6. Aglaophon (6th century BC) 7. Sosias (5th century BC) 8. Mikon (6th century BC) 9. Polygnotos of Athens (5th century BC) 10. Pamphaios (5th century BC) 11. Euthymides (5th century BC) 12. Douris (5th century BC) 13. Theodoros (6th century BC) 14. Xenocrates (4th century BC) 15. Apollodoros (4th century BC) 16. Aetion (4th century BC) 17. Aristides (4th century BC) 18. Euphranor (4th century BC) 19. Timanthes (4th century BC) 20. Critias (5th century BC) 21. Nesiotes (4th century BC) 22. Polygnotos of Delphi (4th century BC) 23. Pythagoras of Agrigentum (4th century BC) 24. Zeuxippos (4th century BC) 25. Agatharchos (3rd century BC) 26. Aristophon (3rd century BC) 27. Bryaxis (3rd century BC) 28. Leochares (3rd century BC) 29. Lysippos (4th century BC) 30. Scopas (4th century BC)
Known Paintings / Pictures / Images
1. The Birth of Venus, 1486, by Sandro Botticelli 2. The School of Athens, 1510-11, by Raphael 3. Sistine Chapel ceiling, 1512, by Michelangelo 4. The Last Supper, 1495-98, by Leonardo da Vinci 5. The Mona Lisa, 1503-06, by Leonardo da Vinci 6. The Starry Night, 1889, by Vincent van Gogh 7. The Scream, 1893, by Edvard Munch 8. Guernica, 1937, by Pablo Picasso 9. The Persistence of Memory, 1931, by Salvador Dali 10. Nighthawks, 1942, by Edward Hopper 11. American Gothic, 1930, by Grant Wood 12. The Hay Wagon, 1930, by Andrew Wyeth 13. Christina’s World, 1948, by Andrew Wyeth 14. Wreck of the Hesperus, 1857, by Fitz Henry Lane 15. The Fourth of July, 1859, by Fitz Henry Lane 16. The Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man, 1746, by John Singleton Copley 17. Paul Revere’s Ride, 1775-76, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 18. Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851, by Emanuel Leutze 19. The Death of Socrates, 1787, by Jacques-Louis David 20. The Oath of the Horatii, 1784, by Jacques-Louis David 21. Napoleon at the Saint-Bernard Pass, 1800, by Jacques-Louis David 22. The Coronation of Napoleon, 1804-05, by Jacques-Louis David 23. Liberty Leading the People, 1830, by Eugène Delacroix 24. The Third of May 1808, 1814, by Francisco Goya 25. The Colossus of Rhodes, c. 280 BC 26. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, c. 550 BC 27. The Parthenon, 447-438 BC 28. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, c. 435 BC 29. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, 353-350 BC 30. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, c. 280 BC
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