Art of AI // An Endeavour of Experimentation [+.-]

Logo :.



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Overview and quickfacts

Design Logo design is the process of creating a unique and recognizable visual identity for a company or product. This involves creating a mark or symbol that can be used on various marketing materials, including websites, business cards, and product packaging. A well-designed logo should be simple, memorable, and easy to reproduce. It should also be versatile enough to work well in a variety of applications.

The art style is also known as: Symbol, emblem, sign, badge
Categories: Impressionism, Modernism

1. Paul Rand (1914-1996) 2. Saul Bass (1920-1996) 3. Ivan Chermayeff (b. 1932) 4. Tom Geismar (b. 1931) 5. Massimo Vignelli (1931-2014) 6. Bob Gill (1929-2018) 7. Milton Glaser (b. 1929) 8. Seymour Chwast (b. 1931) 9. Edward Benguiat (b. 1927) 10. Armin Hofmann (b. 1920) 11. Tibor Kalman (1949-1999) 12. Walter Landor (1913-1995) 13. Jules Feiffer (b. 1929) 14. Lou Dorfsman (1916-2008) 15. George Lois (b. 1931) 16. Alan Fletcher (1931-2006) 17. Henry Wolf (1923-2005) 18. Leo Burnett (1891-1971) 19. David Ogilvy (1911-1999) 20. Bill Bernbach (1911-1982) 21. George Lois (b. 1931) 22. Mary Wells Lawrence (1930-2018) 23. Barbara Kruger (b. 1945) 24. Louise Fili (b. 1957) 25. Michael Bierut (b. 1957) 26. Chip Kidd (b. 1964) 27. Jessica Hische (b. 1979) 28. Rob Janoff (b. 1957) 29. Brian Collins (b. 1957) 30. Michael Beirut (b. 1965)

1. Nike – Air Jordan III – 1988 2. Coca-Cola – Dynamic Ribbon – 2006 3. Pepsi – The Pepsi Globe – 2008 4. FedEx – Purple Runway – 2005 5. BMW – The BMW Roundel – 1917 6. Mercedes-Benz – The Three-Pointed Star – 1926 7. Volkswagen – The VW Logo – 1938 8. Audi – The Four Rings – 1932 9. Google – The Google Logo – 1998 10. Yahoo! – The Y! Logo – 1995 11. Microsoft – The Microsoft Logo – 1987 12. Apple – The Apple Logo – 1976 13. Amazon – The Amazon Logo – 2000 14. Facebook – The Facebook Logo – 2005 15. Twitter – The Twitter Logo – 2006 16. Instagram – The Instagram Logo – 2010 17. Snapchat – The Snapchat Ghost – 2011 18. Pinterest – The Pinterest Logo – 2010 19. Tumblr – The Tumblr Logo – 2007 20. LinkedIn – The LinkedIn Logo – 2003 21. Reddit – The Reddit Logo – 2005 22. Twitch – The Twitch Logo – 2011 23. WhatsApp – The WhatsApp Logo – 2009 24. Skype – The Skype Logo – 2003 25. WeChat – The WeChat Logo – 2011 26. Line – The Line Logo – 2011 27. Viber – The Viber Logo – 2010 28. Telegram – The Telegram Logo – 2013 29. KakaoTalk – The KakaoTalk Logo – 2010 30. Hangouts – The Hangouts Logo – 2013

Detailed Description

Logo is a term often used in graphic design, industrial design and software design. A logo is a graphical representation of a company’s name, trademark or product. Logos are usually composed of a symbol and some text, and may be colorized. Logos are used to identify businesses or products, and can be an important part of a company’s branding. A well-designed logo can help a company to stand out from its competitors. Some famous logos include the Nike swoosh, the McDonald’s golden arches, and the Apple logo. Logo design is a complex process that involves research, creativity and understanding of the company’s brand. A logo should be simple and easy to remember, and should reflect the company’s values and mission. If you’re interested in learning more about logo design, there are many resources available online and in libraries. There are also many logo design software programs that can help you to create a professional-looking logo.

Visual Examples from our image gallery

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Artists and Paintings

Known Artists

1. Paul Rand (1914-1996) 2. Saul Bass (1920-1996) 3. Ivan Chermayeff (b. 1932) 4. Tom Geismar (b. 1931) 5. Massimo Vignelli (1931-2014) 6. Bob Gill (1929-2018) 7. Milton Glaser (b. 1929) 8. Seymour Chwast (b. 1931) 9. Edward Benguiat (b. 1927) 10. Armin Hofmann (b. 1920) 11. Tibor Kalman (1949-1999) 12. Walter Landor (1913-1995) 13. Jules Feiffer (b. 1929) 14. Lou Dorfsman (1916-2008) 15. George Lois (b. 1931) 16. Alan Fletcher (1931-2006) 17. Henry Wolf (1923-2005) 18. Leo Burnett (1891-1971) 19. David Ogilvy (1911-1999) 20. Bill Bernbach (1911-1982) 21. George Lois (b. 1931) 22. Mary Wells Lawrence (1930-2018) 23. Barbara Kruger (b. 1945) 24. Louise Fili (b. 1957) 25. Michael Bierut (b. 1957) 26. Chip Kidd (b. 1964) 27. Jessica Hische (b. 1979) 28. Rob Janoff (b. 1957) 29. Brian Collins (b. 1957) 30. Michael Beirut (b. 1965)

Known Paintings / Pictures / Images

1. Nike – Air Jordan III – 1988 2. Coca-Cola – Dynamic Ribbon – 2006 3. Pepsi – The Pepsi Globe – 2008 4. FedEx – Purple Runway – 2005 5. BMW – The BMW Roundel – 1917 6. Mercedes-Benz – The Three-Pointed Star – 1926 7. Volkswagen – The VW Logo – 1938 8. Audi – The Four Rings – 1932 9. Google – The Google Logo – 1998 10. Yahoo! – The Y! Logo – 1995 11. Microsoft – The Microsoft Logo – 1987 12. Apple – The Apple Logo – 1976 13. Amazon – The Amazon Logo – 2000 14. Facebook – The Facebook Logo – 2005 15. Twitter – The Twitter Logo – 2006 16. Instagram – The Instagram Logo – 2010 17. Snapchat – The Snapchat Ghost – 2011 18. Pinterest – The Pinterest Logo – 2010 19. Tumblr – The Tumblr Logo – 2007 20. LinkedIn – The LinkedIn Logo – 2003 21. Reddit – The Reddit Logo – 2005 22. Twitch – The Twitch Logo – 2011 23. WhatsApp – The WhatsApp Logo – 2009 24. Skype – The Skype Logo – 2003 25. WeChat – The WeChat Logo – 2011 26. Line – The Line Logo – 2011 27. Viber – The Viber Logo – 2010 28. Telegram – The Telegram Logo – 2013 29. KakaoTalk – The KakaoTalk Logo – 2010 30. Hangouts – The Hangouts Logo – 2013

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About The Art of AI in Business, Art and Technology.

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